
Do you have a complaint regarding compliance with technical regulations? You can report this to us in the following ways:


  • Personally at the office
  • Through the complaints line of the SSB, phone 532267
  • Through electronical communication (, facebook, SSB website)
  • Through calling the number 1940

You will receive a written confirmation of your complaint , and within 6 weeks, upon submission of the complaint, a written response.

If you disagree with the judgment of the SSB…

You can respond to this within a period of three weeks. This response can be by email, or you can request a call with the responsible officer.

If there is still a permanent dispute after the conclusion of the exchange of views, you may submit an objection to the management of SSB within three months. The objection must be submitted in writing or by e-mail with the transmission of the following documents:

  • Copy letter stating the position of the  responsible officer on the complaint.
  • Reason for your dispute.


You will receive a response to the objection within three weeks.